Articles by Sivan Zak
ALBANY, NY (WRGB) — Governor Kathy Hochul’s initiative to ban cell phone use by students during school hours is gaining traction among educators, but it is also…
As students with disabilities shift from high school to higher education or employment, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) is charged with developing what’s called a…
When children with disabilities are suspended from school, or otherwise facing discipline at school, they are entitled to additional protections under the Individuals with…
As a parent, it can be incredibly distressing to hear that your child is in trouble, especially when they are facing disciplinary action for something that took place at school.…
Ensuring access to necessary services and accommodations for parents and guardians striving to secure the best possible education for their children with disabilities often…
When developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for a student, there are many legal considerations that must be accounted for to ensure that the IEP is effective. The…
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the cornerstone of what services and goals are to be provided to a student with a disability. IEPs are a living and breathing document…