Articles by Christine Redfield
Much like the pandemic itself wherein adaptability and preparedness beget success, those same qualities are necessary to find success in court as well. However, as many courts…
The last thing any parent wants to deal with when it comes to their children is the Child Protective Services (CPS), the Agency charged with investigating allegations of child…
The COIVD-19 pandemic has forced courts to adapt new procedures and policies in order to make proceedings safe but productive. For people looking to pursue legal action, there are…
The final phase of New York’s “Raise the Age” law is effective October 1, finally making way for both 16- and 17-year-olds to be referred to Family Court instead of being…
It may not have been easy, but you successfully transitioned from married (or living together) with kids to divorced (or separating) and co-parenting with your ex. But you still…
Experts estimate that today’s divorce rate stands between 42 percent and 45 percent, slightly lower than the peak years of the 1990s and 2000s, when one in two marriages…
As many separating couples with children know, child support in New York is subject to a mathematical formula. But just because there is a formula to determine the amount of child…
A hypothetical scenario –A divorced couple develops a child custody plan where the non-custodial father has visitation with their three children every other weekend. The…
Determination of child support is a key aspect of divorce and Family Court support proceedings involving children. But what exactly is that child support award supposed to cover…
Police body camera footage is an increasingly important piece of evidence in criminal type cases. This goes for both the prosecution, in Family Court known as the Presentment…
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