Articles by Sean Timmons
U.S. troops who are Catholic can refuse to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, the military’s archbishop said Tuesday. People can sincerely hold a religious belief “that…
When something goes wrong in your marriage and you’re facing a military divorce while stationed overseas, you may feel incredibly isolated. And, like it or not, military…
Active-duty soldiers have three months to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or face a possible discharge from the force, the Army announced Tuesday. The 485,900 soldiers on…
BALTIMORE — On Monday, the Pfizer vaccine is fully approved by the FDA. Many are calling the stamp of approval a big step towards swaying more people towards getting vaccinated…
Issues pertaining to sexual conduct involving adultery, internet sex crime, and other acts of alleged or purported sexual misconduct are taken very seriously in the military.…
The short answer is yes: The President of the United States can order members of the military to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Don’t be fooled otherwise by secondhand information…
While it is to no one’s surprise that social media literacy has been a large issue topic for many Americans recently, people—especially service members—need to be more…
The difference surrounding how courts go through jury selection might seem straightforward on the outside; however, when it comes to military courts, the process is atypical of…
The difference surrounding how courts go through a jury selection process might seem straightforward on the outside; however, when it comes to military courts, the process is…
The difference surrounding how courts go through a jury selection process might seem straightforward on the outside; however, when it comes to military courts, the process is…
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