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New Year’s checkup: Achieve your goals by knowing where your business stands

New Year's business checkup

With each new year, we often re-examine ourselves — our health, our habits, our goals — and make resolutions for the upcoming year. Every business owner, entrepreneur, board member, and innovator should be doing the same, re-examining their sales, products, and profits to make informed resolutions for the New Year.

But, too often, owners and influencers overlook important legal issues impacting their business and impeding their goals for the new year.

At Tully Rinckey, we guide decision-makers through these legal issues and help assess their options and goals — similar to how a doctor examines a patient during a “check-up” and provides solutions. We examine several areas that could be affecting your business’s “health,” including:

  • Have you outgrown your current location?
  • Is your tax liability or corporate risk too high?
  • Do you need to hire employees?
  • Have you taken the prescribed steps to maintain your certification?
  • Is your workplace a healthy environment where sexual harassment policies are well-known and enforced?
  • Does your supply contract need mending?
  • Are you aware of the side effects of the new laws and new regulations related to your business?

As you begin the New Year, consider meeting with a legal professional from Tully Rinckey to go through these and other questions as part of a one-hour “annual check-up” for your business. Knowing where your business stands in the new year will undoubtedly help you attain your goals for 2019 and beyond.


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