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5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

If you and your spouse intend to divorce, you may ask yourself: Do I need a divorce lawyer? The answer to this depends on your particular situation and the laws of the state in which you live. If you and your spouse can work out the details of the divorce amicably and without complications, you may not need to hire a lawyer. In most cases, though, the nature of your relationship, the complexity of your financial arrangements, or the makeup of your family will lead you to hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

Here are five reasons why you need a divorce lawyer:

  1. I fear abuse or retaliation from my spouse.

If you’re afraid that your spouse will abuse you or your children, or will retaliate in any way, you should hire a lawyer. Your lawyer can act as both an advocate for your best interests and  a buffer zone between you and your spouse. They can also direct you to obtain an Order of  protection if necessary. If you suspect that your spouse is in any way likely to try to take advantage of you, a lawyer is your safest bet.

  1. I don’t want the stress of dealing with it myself.

Divorces are stressful even in the most amicable of relationships, and rife emotions. When you’re stressed, you can make poor decisions.. AS the saying goes, “you don’t know, what you don’t know. Undoubtedly you may find that you’ve taken on more than you can handle. A divorce lawyer will do the heavy lifting when it comes to determining what you are entitled to, what your obligations are, ensuring that all assets and income are disclosed and negotiating a settlement most beneficial to you while getting your divorce through the system as swiftly and fairly as possible.

  1. Our financial situation is complex.

If your finances are complex or closely intertwined with your spouse’s, you need to hire a divorce lawyer. A lawyer can help you untangle the finances and ensure you’re treated fairly.  A lawyer can, for example, make sure that your home and other assets are properly valued, so that you can receive an equitable division. The lawyer can also help determine if some of your assets are considered separate property to which your spouse has no claim.  You also need to ensure that you have safely secured your share of retirement funds that your spouse may claim in the future. Lawyers can also deal compassionately and effectively with child support and custody issues.

  1. I seek a clear and binding agreement.

The details of divorce law and the language of agreements can be very confusing. A lawyer understands the subtleties of the law and can make sure that your divorce agreements are properly worded and backed up by the right documentation. A good divorce lawyer can make sure that the terms of the agreement are enforceable and binding for both parties in the eyes of the court.

  1. I need to settle the divorce quickly.

Oftentimes, you just want to get your divorce over with so you can get on with your life. Your divorce lawyer will make sure documents are properly prepared and filed in accordance with the court’s requirements. Trying to maneuver the complex legal arena of divorce more often than not, causes repeated delays due to failure to properly complete and file the multiple documents needed to dissolve a marriage. A lawyer can get you through the process quickly and efficiently. Often, and most importantly, children who go through a divorce often have an easier time when the divorce is settled amicably and quickly. The right divorce lawyer can help make that happen.

No matter your situation, you should consult with and hire an attorney regardless of whether your spouse has done so or not.  There’s just too much at stake to take it all on yourself.

When it comes to divorce, the lawyers at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in representing spouses in legal separations, contested and uncontested divorces, and annulments. We can put you in position to receive fair settlements, equitable distributions of wealth and property, and the support you deserve. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation.

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